Sometimes silver linings appear in the unlikeliest of forms

Sonia Glanvill spoke to us recently about her Cancer Journey, and what has helped her get through months of tough chemotherapy.

In early 2023 Sonia was excited to celebrate her 50th birthday with family and friends. For Sonia, this milestone brought with it an enjoyable celebration with family and friends, plenty of reminiscing, exciting plans for the future, and the offer of a free breast screen test with Breast Screen NSW.

“Presenting with no symptoms nor concerns, I confidently booked an appointment expecting to receive the ‘all clear’- this was not the case. After attending several follow up appointments, tests confirmed the worst, and my battle with cancer began” Sonia said.

Sonia goes on to explain that after two unsuccessful surgeries, it became clear that she would require chemotherapy. Sonia’s heart sank at the thought. Sonia explains that “Chemotherapy was grueling, fatigue inducing, and irritatingly time consuming for both herself and her husband.”

However, for Sonia, whilst life was incredibly challenging at this time, there was one particular silver lining. Enter gorgeous George, the Therapy Dog.

For Sonia, “Meeting George and Handler Justine has proved to be a significant positive in my Cancer Centre experience. When George appears from around a corner, trotting towards me, I know that my day is going to get better. He is a friendly, handsome, clever fellow providing valued company during my ‘chemo chair’ time.”

George has undergone significant training and tests to become an Accredited Therapy Dog.  As such he is happy to sit by one’s side or lay a gentle paw on the patient’s lap. Perhaps most importantly, George provides patients like Sonia, plenty of distraction during an incredibly trying time. Sonia tells us that the shift in her focus from a needle being inserted into her chest to George’s beautiful face, is a most welcome and effective diversion.

Sonia can’t help but smile when she tells us that at times George can also be especially entertaining. So much so that his cheeky antics leave her gut laughing.

Sonia also talks about the healing power of touch and tells us that “Touch can be healing. When George places his paws on my leg during treatment he provides a real sense of comfort”.

George visits the Cancer Hospital most Mondays and is always welcomed with open arms by patients, careers and staff. When asked what his best trick is, his handler Justine responds, “It’s simple, George brings joy”.