Teens driven to make a difference

We recently had the pleasure of meeting Zoe Wilson, Kayley Schneider and Jasmine Lieschke, who are passionate about supporting a local charity.

All three young women are Year 9 students at St Paul’s College in Walla Walla and taking part in the school’s Rite Journey $10 challenge. The students are required to choose a charity and are provided $10 to kickstart their fundraising efforts.

Zoe explains that they chose Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund “Because everyone knows someone who has struggled or experienced cancer and we want to help people in our town who are suffering”.

Zoe, Kayley and Jasmine are raising funds through collecting and recycling cans, selling raffle tickets and selling items at the Rite Journey Day at School. All are incredibly passionate about making a difference and when asked about their fundraising goal, all three respond in unison “As much as possible!” They go on to explain that if people want to help, “It doesn’t have to be much, every dollar helps”.

When we spoke, the young women were in Albury collecting and seeking donations from local businesses for their two raffles. If you have ever asked for donations, you understand that this can be quite a daunting activity! At the Trust Fund we can’t help but applaud their commitment to their project and willingness to ask others to support their fundraiser.

When asked about what they were learning from the experience, all three confirm that the $10 Challenge was teaching them independence and confidence through the project-based activity.  We are very interested in hearing more from Zoe, Kayley and Jasmine as their fundraising project unfolds and are grateful that they chose to support the Trust Fund.

If you are interested in supporting the young women raise as ‘much as possible’, you can donate here https://bit.ly/KZKRiteJourney