Ways to Help
The Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund works hard to lobby the corporate community, social, sporting and service clubs to establish partnership arrangements to generate donations for local cancer services.
Members of the community are also encouraged to organise and run fundraising projects to raise much-needed funds towards supporting cancer services in the wider Albury-Wodonga region.
Whether it’s a one-off fundraising project, directing a donation to the Trust Fund as part of a wider fundraising event or an annual event dedicated to raising funds for the Trust, every dollar raised will help make a difference to families impacted by cancer in our region.
Please note that we require all community event organisers to register their event with the Trust Fund before proceeding.
We ask that you read our Fundraising Event Guidelines and complete the registration form and we will be in touch – it’s that simple! See below under Fundraising Resources for more info.
Leave a Gift in Your Will
Create a lasting legacy through a bequest to the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund.
Bequests provide a lasting contribution in advancing our understanding of cancer, and shaping the future of treatment and care.
It is a special way to show your support and kindness to others touched by cancer.
Download our bequest brochure here.
Gift in Memory
Many families encourage donations in lieu of flowers at their loved one’s funeral, and see it as a fitting way to honour those close to them, while supporting a cause dear to their heart.
It is also a special way to thank cancer centre staff for their care and support.
Donations in memory of a loved one can be made online or in envelopes provided by the Trust Fund at the funeral.
Gift in Celebration
Whatever the occasion – Christmas, birthday, anniversary, wedding, or another special milestone – celebrate your next special event by giving a gift of hope for people facing cancer.
Ask your guests to make a donation in lieu of a present, and this generous support will help provide the best in cancer equipment, research, patient care, and world-leading wellness and supportive care programs.
Donations to celebrate a special occasion can be made online or in envelopes provided by the Trust Fund for an event.
Help us help local families impacted by cancer by becoming a volunteer.
Join our dedicated group of fundraisers and get a strong sense of satisfaction knowing that you’re making a difference at a grass roots level.
You’re sure to make great friends and have a lot of fun too!
Organise a Fundraising Event
Why not use a good cause like funding the regional cancer centre as an excuse to get together with friends, family, colleagues and community. If you have an idea for a fundraising event, we’d love to hear about it. Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll do all we can to help you make it a reality.
Event Ideas
- Open Garden Tours
- Charity Golf, Bowls or Tennis Day
- Charity Auction
- Albury Gold Cup Luncheon
- Charity Concert
- Fashion Parade
- Fun Run, Triathlon or Bike-a-thon
- Trivia or Bingo Night
- Art & Craft Exhibition
- Motivational Speaker Evening
- Karaoke/Open Mic Night
- Fete/Family Fun Day
- Melbourne Cup Luncheon
- Gala Dinner
- Movie Night
Fundraising Ideas
- Casual Wear Day
- Raffles
- Sausage Sizzle
- Lamington/Chocolate Drive
- Fresh Produce Stall
- Cooking Demonstration
- Weekly Salary Sacrifice
- Morning/Afternoon Tea
- Street/Garage Sale
- Funky Hair Day
- Lingerie Party
Fundraising Resources
If you need some help getting your fundraising idea off the ground or are in need of specific resources, get in touch at [email protected] and we’ll do all we can to help you make it a reality.
Please read our Fundraising Event Guidelines (Small Events) or Fundraising Event Guidelines (Large Events) (for events expected to attract more than 500 people) before proceeding and make sure you complete the Fundraising event registration form we know your event is happening. Happy event planning!
Become a Volunteer Community Advocate
Our Volunteer Community Advocates serve as a link between the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund and communities throughout the region.
The cancer centre services all areas within a 200km radius of Albury, with two thirds of our patients coming from regional communities. Our community advocates, or Cancer Pals, assist the Trust Fund by promoting fundraising events, helping identify potential donor sources and serve as a point of contact for anyone wanting information on how to support the cancer centre in their community.
Anyone interested in the role can download the Volunteer Community Advocate Brief, or contact Trust Fund Manager Kristy McMahon on (02) 6064 1538 or email [email protected]