Letter from the Board Chair

Hello and welcome to the 2024 Winter Edition of the Shine Newsletter.

Before I jump into our latest news, I’d like to let you know what is important to us at the Trust Fund. We are grateful to all our:

  • Fundraising committees, volunteers and individuals for support and contributions, and
  • Corporate Sponsors who enable us to commit long term to our key priority areas.

As part of our annual practice, the Trust Fund Board came together to undergo a review of 2023 outcomes, our 2024 strategic initiatives, goals and plans. We asked ourselves:

  • Are our goals and strategic initiatives still relevant and achievable?
  • Have we adapted to changes in the environment?
  • What progress have we made towards our strategic initiatives?
  • What feedback have we received from our stakeholders, and how can we incorporate it?

These questions are important to us.  The Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund is a 100% local charity, with all money raised used to support cancer services for you, our community members. Therefore we hold ourselves to the highest account in ensuring that all funds raised for the Trust are spent wisely and in areas of need.

We allocate your donation to the service area most in need for you, our community, and focus spending on our Four Pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Wellness Centre
  • Pillar 2: Research
  • Pillar 3: Education
  • Pillar 4: Equipment.

Included in this edition of the Shine Newsletter are stories about recent fundraising activities undertaken by our community. Our local Car Clubs have worked tirelessly in their efforts to not only run a great event, but also raise valuable funds for the Trust Fund. Young Hugh Bergin has done it again, and the Sunshine Ride exceeded all expectations! I thank you all. Be sure to read about your donation in action in the Pillars in Action stories.

And finally, with your support the Trust is able to enhance the wonderful treatment and care provided at the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre. Thank you.

Yours in Sunshine,

Michelle Hensel

If you would like to help us support our local community, please Click here.