Cancer Centre Needs Your Support

Enhancing End-of-Life Care

Recently the Trust provided $13,352.60 for the purchase of 4 Syringe Drivers at Benalla Health, and it was such a thrill to hear Pauline Montgomery talk about the difference that the Trust Fund has made to her community.

“Palliative care syringe drivers play a pivotal role in ensuring optimal comfort for patients in the final stages of life, offering precise and timely administration of medications” she said.

“These new syringe drivers are just magical. We can look after our most vulnerable patients with full confidence that the equipment will deliver medications at the correct rate”.

Pauline spoke of how important it is to be able to have the best equipment, so that patients and families have full trust in the services being provided. Benalla Health are also excited to loan the new equipment to local Nursing Homes, so to extend the benefits further into the Benalla community. Pauline and her team are incredibly grateful to the Trust Fund and are looking forward to making a significant difference in their patient care.


Photo: Sammy Dennehy and Pauline Montgomery are excited to use the new Syringe Drivers.

If you would like to donate to the Trust Fund, Click here.